
[WP] Easy Restaurant Menu Manager

Тема в разделе "Скрипты и программы", создана пользователем dj-valerka, 22 окт 2013.

Цена: 800р.
Взнос: 800р.

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  1. 22 окт 2013
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: [WP] Easy Restaurant Menu Manager

    Продажник и демо

    Makes it easy for a restaurant to maintain an online menu. Includes categories, prices and descriptions that are a snap to update.
    Tired of using PDFs to post your restaurant’s menus online? The Easy Restaurant Menu Manager WordPress plugin makes it simple to add and update all your dishes in a way that’s easy for your site’s visitors to read and easy for you to maintain. You can add categories like appetizers, entrees or desserts — name them whatever you want — and set the order those categories should display in. Include a description for each item, and decide whether or not you want to display the price. Want to tweak the display? Add CSS right from the plugin, without fiddling with theme files. And this plugin isn’t just for restaurants. Spas, service stations and others can use it to share their menu of services.

    Easy Restaurant Menu Manager – Extended version
    The extended version of our Easy Restaurant Menu Manager plugin has even more great features.

    • Attach pictures to each menu item
    • Choose single-column or two-column layouts
    • Add icons to dishes to show that a item is spicy, vegetarian, a speciality, etc. — even upload your own icons
    • Create multiple menus.

    Цена: 25$
  2. Обсуждение
  3. 22 окт 2013
    Рыбка БанЗабанен
    ТС, по правилам описание должно быть на русском языке.