
(Udemy) Полный курс по разработке мобильный игр с Phaser

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию", создана пользователем Василий Сергеевич, 25 ноя 2016.

Цена: 980р.-59%
Взнос: 396р.

Основной список: 8 участников

Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.
  1. 25 ноя 2016
    Василий Сергеевич
    Василий Сергеевич ОргОрганизатор

    Складчина: (Udemy) Полный курс по разработке мобильный игр с Phaser

    Научись разрабатывать мобильные игры под iOS и Android, используя javascript, html5, phaser, cordova


    Лекций 102
    Длительность 10 часов
    Уровень Любой
    Язык English

    Published 1/2016 English
    Course Description
    The Complete Mobile Game Development Course is a comprehensive video tutorial that teaches you how to create mobile games using JavaScript + the Phaser library, and how to publish them to iOS, Android and Amazon.

    Learn by Making Real-World Projects

    This course has been our most ambitious project up to date, and it incorporates all the feedback and experience gained over the years teaching game development.

    This course is built around the concept of learning by creating Real-World projects. The ultimate goal is that all the skills you gain in the course are really valuable for your career in an industry you love.

    Games included

    • Farm animal toddlers game
    • Virtual pet game
    • Platformer Super Mario game
    • Multi-level spaceship game
    • Candy Match-3 game
    Besides making games you’ll also gain valuable app and web development skills

    • Become a proficient JavaScript and HTML5 developer.
    • Understand the hybrid app development process.
    • How to publish to the iOS and Android platforms using the Intel XDK.
    What are the requirements?
    • Basic JavaScript, HTML and CSS knowledge is required
    • A code editor
    • A web browser
    • Students need to install a local web server to run the course examples
    What am I going to get from this course?
    • Create mobile games using the Phaser JavaScript library
    • Understand the process of building hybrid apps and games with Cordova
    • Publish their games to the Apple Appstore, the Google Playstore and the Amazon Appstore
    What is the target audience?
    • Motivated students with basic JavaScript knowledge who are passionate about games and want to make their own

    Блок 1 -- Course Intro
    Занятие 1 -- Introduction [04:13]
    Занятие 2 -- Setting up a Local Web Server [06:10]
    Занятие 3 -- Course Source Code and Assets [Article]

    Блок 2 -- Game #1 - Farm Animals Toddlers Game
    Занятие 4 -- Introduction [01:12]
    Занятие 5 -- Creating a New Phaser Game [05:38]
    Занятие 6 -- Loading a Sprite [03:23]
    Занятие 7 -- Anchor Point [03:20]
    Занятие 8 -- Scaling [02:37]
    Занятие 9 -- Flipping [01:55]
    Занятие 10 -- Rotating [03:23]
    Занятие 11 -- Screen Scaling [04:00]
    Занятие 12 -- User Input [06:42]
    Занятие 13 -- Groups [05:26]
    Занятие 14 -- More on Groups [04:40]
    Занятие 15 -- Switching Animals [05:47]
    Занятие 16 -- Tween Animations [04:58]
    Занятие 17 -- Tween Callbacks [02:57]
    Занятие 18 -- Spritesheet Animations [05:08]
    Занятие 19 -- Audacity Basics [04:03]
    Занятие 20 -- Adding Sound [04:23]
    Занятие 21 -- Adding Text [05:25]
    Занятие 22 -- Where to Find Free Artwork [04:20]

    Блок 3 -- Game #2 - Virtual Pet
    Занятие 23 -- Introduction [01:57]
    Занятие 24 -- Basic Structure [08:20]
    Занятие 25 -- Draggable Pet [07:31]
    Занятие 26 -- Item Selection [07:48]
    Занятие 27 -- Rotating the Pet [05:21]
    Занятие 28 -- Placing Items [05:35]
    Занятие 29 -- Moving the Pet to the Item [07:51]
    Занятие 30 -- Pet Spritesheet Animation [05:38]
    Занятие 31 -- Game Stats [05:49]
    Занятие 32 -- Decresing Pet Stats [07:22]
    Занятие 33 -- Multiple States [06:33]
    Занятие 34 -- Boot State [06:11]
    Занятие 35 -- Loading Screen [06:37]
    Занятие 36 -- Home Screen [08:14]

    Блок 4 -- Game #3 - Platformer Monster Kong
    Занятие 37 -- Introduction [01:55]
    Занятие 38 -- Basic Structure [05:27]
    Занятие 39 -- Physics and Gravity [07:17]
    Занятие 40 -- Collision Detection [05:27]
    Занятие 41 -- Keyboard Control [07:24]
    Занятие 42 -- On-screen Controls – Part 1 [05:21]
    Занятие 43 -- On-screen Controls – Part 2 [06:05]
    Занятие 44 -- Platform Group [05:49]
    Занятие 45 -- Camera [03:58]
    Занятие 46 -- Loading JSON Files [07:51]
    Занятие 47 -- Player Animation [05:18]
    Занятие 48 -- Fire [07:39]
    Занятие 49 -- Level Goal [05:05]
    Занятие 50 -- Pool of Objects [08:49]
    Занятие 51 -- Bouncing Barrels [07:39]
    Занятие 52 -- Using Rectangles to get Started [02:42]

    Блок 5 -- Game #4 - Spaceship Game
    Занятие 53 -- Introduction [01:19]
    Занятие 54 -- Introducing the Intel XDK [06:45]
    Занятие 55 -- Basic Structure [07:20]
    Занятие 56 -- Adding the Player [07:16]
    Занятие 57 -- Shooting Bullets [04:41]
    Занятие 58 -- Prefabs [10:39]
    Занятие 59 -- Enemy Prefabs [06:55]
    Занятие 60 -- Enemy Movement [07:49]
    Занятие 61 -- Damaging Enemies [08:50]
    Занятие 62 -- Particle Effects [07:04]
    Занятие 63 -- Enemy Bullets [10:07]
    Занятие 64 -- Reset Enemies [06:33]
    Занятие 65 -- Pause Timer [01:40]
    Занятие 66 -- Enemy Pool [04:25]
    Занятие 67 -- Load Level [10:30]
    Занятие 68 -- Multiple Levels [06:08]
    Занятие 69 -- Level JSON Files [03:51]
    Занятие 70 -- Soundtrack [03:27]

    Блок 6 -- Game #5 - Candy Matching Game
    Занятие 71 -- Introduction [02:08]
    Занятие 72 -- Basic Structure [08:41]
    Занятие 73 -- Populate Grids [09:25]
    Занятие 74 -- Swap and Check Adjacent Blocks [07:54]
    Занятие 75 -- Is a Block Chained [08:38]
    Занятие 76 -- Find All Chains [03:30]
    Занятие 77 -- Clear Chains [02:40]
    Занятие 78 -- Drop Blocks [05:08]
    Занятие 79 -- Update Grid [10:05]
    Занятие 80 -- Create Block [06:18]
    Занятие 81 -- Draw Board [06:46]
    Занятие 82 -- Kill Block [07:15]
    Занятие 83 -- Block Dropping Animations [08:55]
    Занятие 84 -- Swap Blocks [09:16]
    Занятие 85 -- Pick Block [09:26]
    Занятие 86 -- Consecutive Chains [05:49]

    Блок 7 -- Publishing to iOS and Android
    Занятие 87 -- Intro to Hybrid Apps [03:45]
    Занятие 88 -- Intro to Cordova [04:54]
    Занятие 89 -- Using Cordova and the Intel XDK [12:08]
    Занятие 90 -- Hello World Cordova Plugins [03:31]
    Занятие 91 -- Cordova vs Crosswalk [05:28]
    Занятие 92 -- Cordova and Phaser [09:14]
    Занятие 93 -- Preparing for Building [06:02]
    Занятие 94 -- Publishing to the Google Playstore [10:36]
    Занятие 95 -- iOS Building Process Overview and Certificate [05:57]
    Занятие 96 -- Ad Hoc Building [10:04]
    Занятие 97 -- Pubishing to the Apple App Store [07:32]

    Блок 8 -- Publishing to the Amazon App Store
    Занятие 98 -- Intro to the Amazon Appstore [04:31]
    Занятие 99 -- Amazon developer account creation [02:14]
    Занятие 100 -- HTML5 webapps and the Amazon Appstore [06:29]
    Занятие 101 -- Publishing a HTML5 game to the Amazon Appstore [05:24]

    Блок 9 -- Conclusion
    Занятие 102 -- Conclusion [.]

  2. Последние события

    1. skladchik.com
      Складчина доступна.
      26 май 2019
    2. skladchik.com
      Складчина закрыта.
      17 дек 2016
    3. skladchik.com
      Взнос составляет 198р.
      11 дек 2016
    4. skladchik.com
      Складчина активна.
      11 дек 2016

    Последние важные события

    1. skladchik.com
      Складчина доступна.
      26 май 2019
    2. skladchik.com
      Складчина закрыта.
      17 дек 2016
    3. skladchik.com
      Взнос составляет 198р.
      11 дек 2016
    4. skladchik.com
      Складчина активна.
      11 дек 2016
Статус обсуждения:
Комментирование ограничено.