
Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices for Django 1.8

Тема в разделе "Электронные книги", создана пользователем Neomaty, 6 июн 2015.

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  1. 6 июн 2015
    Neomaty ДолжникДолжник

    Складчина: Two Scoops of Django: Best Practices for Django 1.8


    This book is chock-full of material that will help you with your Django projects.

    We’ll introduce you to various tips, tricks, patterns, code snippets, and techniques that we’ve picked up over the years. This book is a update and expansion of previous editions:

    • Updated for Django 1.8 and changes in the Django ecosystem, with corrections and clarifications added thanks to the feedback of our readers and technical reviewers.
    • Revised material on templates, consuming REST APIs, replacing core components of Django, and more.
    • 85+ pages of new material on Jinja2, debugging, advanced query tools, data validation, testing, security, and more.
    На данный момент это самая полная книжка с рецептами Django.
    Ссылка на продажник:
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 6 июн 2015
    Neomaty ДолжникДолжник
    Авторы о себе:
    Содержание книги:
    Chapter 1: Coding Style
    Chapter 2: The Optimal Django Environment Setup
    Chapter 3: How to Lay Out Django Projects
    Chapter 4: Fundamentals of Django App Design
    Chapter 5: Settings and Requirements Files
    Chapter 6: Model Best Practices
    Chapter 7: Queries and the Database Layer (NEW)
    Chapter 8: Function- and Class-Based Views
    Chapter 9: Best Practices for Function-Based Views
    Chapter 10: Best Practices for Class-Based Views
    Chapter 11: Form Fundamentals
    Chapter 12: Common Patterns for Forms
    Chapter 13: Templates: Best Practices
    Chapter 14: Template Tags and Filters
    Chapter 15: Django Templates and Jinja2
    Chapter 16: Building REST APIs
    Chapter 17: Consuming REST APIs
    Chapter 18: Tradeoffs of Replacing Core Components
    Chapter 19: Working With the Django Admin
    Chapter 20: Dealing with the User Model
    Chapter 21: Django's Secret Sauce: Third-Party Packages
    Chapter 22: Testing Chapter of Doom!
    Chapter 23: Documentation: Be Obsessed
    Chapter 24: Finding and Reducing Bottlenecks
    Chapter 25: Asynchronous Task Queues
    Chapter 26: Security Best Practices
    Chapter 27: Logging: What's It For, Anyway?
    Chapter 28: Signals: Use Cases and Avoidance Techniques
    Chapter 29: What About Those Random Utilities?
    Chapter 30: Deployment: Platforms as a Service
    Chapter 31: Deploying Django Projects
    Chapter 32: Continuous Integration
    Chapter 33: The Art of Debugging (NEW)
    Chapter 34: Where and How to Ask Django Questions
    Chapter 35: Closing Thoughts
    Appendix A: Packages Mentioned in This Book
    Appendix B: Troubleshooting
    Appendix C: Additional Resources
    Appendix D: Internationalization and Localization
    Appendix E: Settings Alternatives
    Appendix F: Working with Python 3
    Appendix G: Security Settings Reference
  5. 12 июн 2015
    Ivan Iordan
    Ivan Iordan СкладчикСкладчик
    Хотел записаться, но увы через 15 минут нашел книгу в открытом доступе:rolleyes: