
Server Monitoring with SMS & Email Integration

Тема в разделе "Скрипты и программы", создана пользователем John Silver, 18 фев 2017.

Цена: 1275р.-50%
Взнос: 629р.

Основной список: 3 участников

  1. 18 фев 2017
    John Silver
    John Silver ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: Server Monitoring with SMS & Email Integration


    Nodmonit is a linux resource monitoring’s solution with SMS and/or email integration, that is datacenter and cluster aware, meaning you can have your computing cloud spread across anywhere you would like in the world and categorize it. It’s translatable, embeddable into your existing admin panel and easy to use.

    Гугл переводчик
    Nodmonit представляет собой решение из мониторинга ресурсов ОС Linux с SMS и / или по электронной почте интеграции, то есть центров обработки данных и кластер, то есть вы можете иметь ваш вычислительное облако распространилось по всему в любом месте вы хотели бы в мире и классифицировать его. Это переводимые, встраиваемый в существующую панель администратора и простой в использовании.

    Main features
    • Real-time monitoring.
    • Real-time resource usage graphs.
    • Just plugin into your existing admin panel! You don’t need a separate login panel, you can just plug the nodmonit dashboard into your existing workflow!
    • SMS and/or E-mail notification: Be notified when resources reach a given threshold (Twilio/SMTP account necessary)
    • Datacenter-aware: is your cloud on EC2? Linode? DigitalOcean? It doesn’t matter, you can spread your tech wherever you like and monitor them all in just one place.
    • Translatable: If your language is not available, you can translate the interface yourself with a simple JSON file.
    • Keep all your data to yourself! Existing solutions in the web requires you to use an external service, with nodmonit you are in control.
    • Two color options: dark and light.
    What is monitored?
    • RAM
    • LOAD
    • DISK
    • CPU
    • SWAP
    • Number of open files
    What languages are available?
    Currently only English and Portuguese-Brazilian are available. But you can easily translate to your own language.

    Where does it work?
    Works in all major versions of:

    • Ubuntu
    • Debian
    • Fedora
    • CentOS
    If for some reason it doesn’t work for your distro I will be happy to help you and send you a refund if necessary.

    • Have root access to the target machines (only to install, not to run)
    • You must be a tech person and be comfortable using the terminal, shell commands and installing packages
    • SSH


    Цена 20$+2$ PayPal
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 18 фев 2017
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