
[ПОВТОР] Chevereto - ваш собственный хостинг изображений (Network license)

Тема в разделе "Скрипты и программы", создана пользователем cocieri, 24 авг 2016.

Цена: 6347р.
Взнос: 6347р.

Основной список: 1 участников

Резервный список: 1 участников

  1. 24 авг 2016
    cocieri ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: [ПОВТОР] Chevereto - ваш собственный хостинг изображений (Network license)

    Складчина на интересный скрипт хостинга изображений

    Возможности скрипта:
    Загрузка изображений методом drag-and-drop
    Полная адаптация под все мобильные девайсы и планшеты
    Постоянный контроль для изображениями, загружаемыми пользователями
    Регистрация пользователей с аккаунтов в соц.сетях: Twitter, Faceboo, Google+ и Вконтакте!
    Поддержка множества серверов
    Мультиязычность из коробки, в том числе и русский язык
    Широкие возможности по монетизации, 16 вариантов размещения рекламы на странице
    Пожизненные обновления, платим один раз, обновления получаем всегда
    Сетевая версия на множество доменов
    • Image upload
      • Unique and custom developed HTML5 uploader
      • Drag n' drop anywhere
      • Multiple image upload
      • Upload from your computer or image URL
      • Take pictures from your phone camera
      • Image resizing
      • Public/private upload
      • NSWF upload flag
      • Preview queue and progress
      • Embed codes
      • Daily duplicate upload detector (IP + MD5)
      • Configurable guest uploads on/off
      • Configurable thumbnails and medium sized image
        • Set size of thumbs (fixed)
        • Set width of medium (scaled height)
      • Configurable storage mode
        • Date-folders (2015/07/06).
        • Direct (/images)
    • Users
      • Unique user names
      • Encoded public IDs
      • Images and galleries (albums)
      • User profile
        • /username or /user/username configurable profile URLs
        • Bio
        • Social Networks login
        • BCrypted passwords
        • Avatar and profile background image
        • User albums and galleries
        • User search content
        • Counters (images and albums)
      • Multiple social networks
        • User can bind Google, Facebook, Twitter and VK to access to their accounts
      • Registration features
        • By email address + password combo
        • Social networks (configurable on/off require email address)
        • Configurable validate on/off user email address
      • User configurable settings
        • Username
        • User name (real name)
        • Email
        • Newsletter on/off
        • Show NSFW on/off
        • Language
        • Time zone
        • Profile (name, website, bio)
        • Password
        • Connected social networks
    • Images
      • Three (3) image Sizes: Thumb, medium and full (original)
      • Unique short URL (encrypted IDs)
      • Image categories
      • Image loading indicator (for large images)
      • NSFW / SFW image flags
      • Full EXIF show/hide info
      • Editable values (Title, Description, Category, Album, NSFW)
      • Configurable on/off download original image
      • Configurable on/off right click on image
      • Views counter
    • Albums / User galleries
      • Public and private albums
      • Editable album descriptions, name and privacy
      • Content manager (move, delete, Etc.)
      • Set privacy (public, private, anyone with the Link)
    • Content
      • Listings
        • List by most recent, popularity and oldest
        • Built-in Bulk content manager (Multiple editing)
        • Built-in privacy scope
        • Configurable endless scrolling or classic pagination
        • Configurable fixed height or fluid (like pinterest)
        • Configurable columns number
        • Get embed codes for selected elements
        • Configurable on/off blur for NSFW content
      • Content Manager
        • Universal manager (available all system-wide)
        • Drag select for easy mass item selection
        • Manage single and multiple image or album content
        • Bulk flag content, assign category, delete, move to album, etc.
        • Manage users (dashboard)
      • Categories
        • Support for unlimited categories
        • Set name, URL and description
        • SEO friendly categories
      • Search
        • Full text search engine
        • Basic and advanced search
        • Search images, albums and users
        • Advanced search with excluded words
        • Search operators
          • category:name
          • storage:id
          • ip:
      • Share
        • Social Networks
        • Embed codes (HTML and BBCode)
      • Pages
        • G\ Library wrapper to add advanced pages
        • Totally customizable with full PHP support
        • Bundled examples
          • Contact form with reCAPTCHA
          • Terms of service
          • Privacy policy
      • Additional features
        • One click configurable display EU Cookie law
        • Twitter Cards
        • Facebook Open Graph
    • SEO
      • SEO optimized titles and descriptions
      • Set Website title and description
      • Configurable SEO friendly categories
      • Usage of own content meta descriptions
      • Friendly descriptive URLs
    • Ad manager (banners)
      • Manage banners directly from admin panel
      • 16 predefined placements
      • Support any banner HTML/JS code and size
    • Watermarks
      • Adaptive watermarks
      • Protect your copyright
      • Configure watermark image, opacity and position
      • Enable/disable per user group (guest, user, admin)
    • Support
      • Direct and fast support direct from the developer
      • More than 5,000 clients and 7 years on market
      • We can help you to install, customize and extend
    • Configurable core features
      • Enable or disable features like user registration, image upload (guest/registered), random, explore, search, homepage cover, etc.
    • Website modes
      • Community and personal site-wide modes that you can highly configure
      • Configurable global website privacy mode (public/private)
    • Responsive layout
      • Responsive layout (multi-device)
      • Optimized for any screen resolution
      • Heavy optimized for image content
      • Works in phones, phablets, tablets and computers
    • Admin dashboard
      • System stats and info
      • Manage content (images, albums, users)
      • Manually create users
      • Configurable settings
        • Website (name, description, etc.)
        • Content (Privacy, listings, etc.)
        • Image upload (permissions, size, thumbs, paths, etc.)
        • User sign up methods, email confirmation, routing, etc.
        • Watermarks
        • Theme (Logo, tone, custom CSS and Js)
        • Banner codes
        • System features
        • Email configuration (SMTP)
        • Social networks
        • External services
        • External storage
        • On/off system features (explore, search, random, etc.)
        • IP bans
        • Listing settings
        • EU Cookie law compliance
    • Security features
      • IP-based banning system
        • Ban any IP from using the system
        • Set ban expiration date
        • Set ban message, or HTML display or a URL redirection
      • Configurable Flood protection
        • Avoid malicious attempts to flood your website
        • Set limits by minute, hour, week and month
        • Get flood reports instantly to your email
      • System-wide CSRF protection
    • Themes
      • Bundled with two tones (light and and dark)
      • Similar to Wordpress theme system
      • Cast any PHP code (Listings, info, external classes, etc.)
      • Add banners and links
      • Add any JS, CSS and HTML code
      • Customizable settings
        • Main active color
        • Top bar color
        • Homepage logo, title, text and call to action
        • Website logo
        • Homepage background
        • Homepage call-to-action
    • System
      • Built in classes for upload, handling, listing, etc.
      • Themes support
      • Extremely configurable (Website values, upload settings, etc.)
      • All HTML 5 based (Default theme)
      • Queue handler
      • Smart Minify code (JS, CSS)
      • Cache translations (built on top of Gettext)
      • Configurable maintenance mode
      • System notices
      • IP-based banning system
      • G\DB PDO based
      • Encoded IDs
        • Never shows the real ID of the content
        • Works by converting numeric IDs to alphanumeric representation
      • Debug modes
        • Stack traces
        • Enable/disable
    • Multi-storage servers
      • Support for unlimited storage servers
      • Set capacity and URL mapping
      • Supports Amazon S3, FTP and SFTP
    • Multi-language system
      • Bundled with 26 languages
      • Manual and Automatic language detection
      • Configurable enabled languages
      • Supports translations overrides (easy phrase editing)
      • Works with cache (fastest performance)
    • API
      • Bundled API to upload pictures
      • Documented
      • JSON, TXT and redirect responses
      • Supports ShareX desktop uploader
    • Code
      • Unencrypted source code
      • Based on own developed frameworks:
      • G\ Library
        • Cutting Edge PHP programming
        • MVC PHP micro-framework
        • Fast and lightweight
        • Object oriented
        • Namespaces
        • Routes with overrides and aliases
        • Overwrites and extensions
        • Themes
      • Peafowl framework (theme base)
        • CSS/JS front-end framework
        • Responsive
        • Font icons
        • Listings
        • Complete set of tools:
          • Alerts
          • Modal boxes
          • Form and grid elements
          • Tabs
    • External services integrations
      • Social networks sign up
        • Facebook
        • Twitter
        • Google+
        • VK
      • Storage servers
        • Amazon S3
        • Google Cloud
        • FTP
        • SFTP
      • Disqus
      • reCAPTCHA (Both v1 and v2)
      • CDNs (like MaxCDN)
      • CloudFlare

  2. Последние события

    1. dfile
      dfile не участвует.
      25 июл 2022
    2. dfile
      dfile участвует.
      25 июл 2022
    3. olnv11
      olnv11 не участвует.
      12 июл 2020
    4. SkyBuild
      SkyBuild не участвует.
      28 май 2020
  3. Обсуждение
  4. 24 авг 2016
    alex-forever90 ЧКЧлен клуба
    Плохо что нет встроенного графического редактора (обрезать, повернуть и т.п.), хотя бы примитивные вещи. Или есть?
  5. 24 авг 2016
    burneds ШтрафникШтрафник
    С прошлой складчины ,ни один человек не смог использовать скрипт, автор тупо заваливает хостеров жалобами. А орг у нас был опытный не спасло.потом просто сказал не может быть у одного человека 50 сайтов , и забанил Ак орга.
  6. 24 авг 2016
    Nemmi ДолжникДолжник
    Так же участвовал в прошлой складчине (на которую ведет ссылка), автор за недели две по закрывал все сайты.
  7. 3 окт 2016
    Ohhnekot ЧКЧлен клуба
    модератор, может тогда разделим складчину на 10 человек в каждой?
    тогда все ок будет + не будет жалобы от создателя.

    и так выгодно! лицензия будет стоить около 650 руб
  8. 6 окт 2016
    Ohhnekot ЧКЧлен клуба
    вы готовы купить по 989 руб?