
[Покер] YourDoom - Expert Cash Game Play in 2016 [ENG]

Тема в разделе "Покер, ставки, казино", создана пользователем Te1epuzik, 10 мар 2016.

Цена: 30500р.
Взнос: 30500р.

Основной список: 1 участников

Резервный список: 6 участников

  1. 10 мар 2016
    Te1epuzik ЧКЧлен клуба
    YourDoom - Expert Cash Game Play in 2016


    1. Video 1: Expert Strategy in 4-bet pots - Part 1 - 26 mins

      How to proceed with AK/AQ when you 4-Bet and miss the flop

      Video 2: Expert Strategy in 4-bet pots - Part 2 - 34 mins
      Debunking a popular trend
      Demonstrating optimal play when 4-betting preflop
      Demonstrating optimal play when facing 4-bet preflop

      Video 3: Game Theory Optimal Button Stealing Ranges - Interactive Part 1 - 27 mins

      How to steal perfectly in a vacuum
      GTO Opening, Flatting and 4-bet ranges
      How to adjust to your opponents

      Video 4: Game Theory Optimal Button Stealing Ranges - Interactive - Part 2 - 17 mins

      Choosing a proper sizing
      How to adjust to your opponents
      Aggressive vs. Passive play post flop

      Video 5: Expert Dynamic Opening Ranges for Today's games - Interactive - 15 mins

      Yes, you do have pre-flop leaks and this video will fix them
      Teaching you how to properly analyze your own database to find your perfect ranges
      Beyond "Charts"

      Video 6: Playing Unbalanced, Exploitable Ranges for Maximum Profit - 22 mins

      Spots where GTO is the least optimal style for maximum profit
      A discussion on maximum exploitive game theory
      Hammering the final nail into the GTO coffin

      Video 7: SB Facing BB 3-Bet Strategy - Part 1 - 30 mins

      Establishing your baseline hand strength vs. different aggressive 3-bet ranges
      Variations to get maximum action with your strong hands
      Example 1: You open 88 and face 3-bet. Discussing your options vs. different 3-bet frequencies.
      Example 2: You open SB with 22. The BB 3-bets with a 25% range. How to proceed.

      Video 8: SB Facing BB 3-Bet Strategy - Part 2 - 31 mins

      Which hands to flat vs. 3-Bet PF
      How to proceed after flatting 3B OOP
      When to use the 4-Bet Merge semi-bluff
      When to fold AJ/KQ/KJ to a 3-Bet

      Video 9: Misconceptions about Board Texture - 26 mins

      An interactive study on c-bet success rates
      Evaluating different board textures
      A discussion on cbet sizing on flop, turn and river
      Betting vs one and two opponents

      Video 10: Examining Calling and Overcalling Ranges on the Button - 34 mins

      Overcalling wide ranges for profit
      Tightening your button ranges in some cases
      Optimal stab sizing discussed

      Video 11: Correcting that Nasty River Leak - 17 mins

      Considering his entire range before auto betting the river in 3B Pot
      Two critical commonly missed concepts that will save you a lot of money

      Video 12: Examining a Commonly Missed River Opportunity - Part 1 - 18 mins

      Stabbing river with no equity
      Calculating expectation to bluff river in different situations
      Quizzing your hand reading ability
      My completion and PFR tendencies in the SB vs. limpers

      Video 13: Examining a Commonly Missed River Opportunity - Part 2 - 28 mins

      When and how often to follow up on your turn stab
      Examining board texture, opponent ranges, success rates and expected value
      Using different sizings to optimize your desired result
      Delving deeper into the YourDoom HUD

      Video 14: Understanding Equity - 21 mins

      Most players have been calculating this wrong this whole time
      Common misconceptions about 3-bet bluff success rates
      Creative sizings to use in different situations for max EV

      Video 15: Deciding to flat or to 3-bet Pre-Flop - Clarity on How to Play Pocket Tens - 34 mins

      An interactive database analysis on flatting vs. 3-betting with TT
      Your expectations when flatting vs. 3-betting borderline hands

      Video 16: An Analysis of Optimal Isolation Ranges vs. Limpers Pre-Flop - 25 mins

      An interactive analysis with HM2
      YourDoom shows why 90% of regs play the wrong ranges vs. limpers
      Facing one limper vs. facing multiple limpers

      Video 17: Interesting Hands - Part 1 - 29 mins

      Overbetting Turn
      The 4-Bet semi-bluff isolation play
      How to improve your hand reading
      Checking back a huge draw to maximize your EV

      Video 18: Interesting Hands - Part 2 - 31 mins
      How and when to "attack the king"
      The full pot river bluff
      Stab bluffing river vs. multiple opponents
      Folding QQ preflop

      Video 19: Interesting Hands - Part 3 - 22 mins

      Making big laydowns to river raise
      The one-quarter pot sized bet bluff
      Raising river with a credible story

      Video 20: When to Flat AK and QQ vs. 3-bet - 27 mins

      A discussion of scenarios and what to look for when deciding not to 4-Bet AK or QQ
  2. Последние события

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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 10 мар 2016
    Stalevar МодерМодератор Команда форума
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