
[Lynda 2016] Up and Running with React.js (Перевод на русский)

Тема в разделе "Программирование", создана пользователем Бомбардир, 14 сен 2015.

Цена: 1р.
Взнос: 1р.

Основной список: 5 участников

Резервный список: 8 участников

  1. 14 сен 2015
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: [Lynda 2016] Up and Running with React.js (Перевод на русский)

    скачанные файлы (1).png

    Освойте новый JavaScript фреймворк React.js

    Описание: A new JavaScript framework has arrived: React.js. React.js is designed to make the process of building modular, reusable user interface components simple and intuitive. Here Eve Porcello will help you learn React.js while guiding you through the process of building the interface for a bulletin board app. She reviews components, properties, and states, as well as the foundational parent/child relationships within React.js. Eve also describes the life cycle of components and how developers can trigger creation, lifetime, and teardown events. The course wraps with a chapter dedicated to building a more complete app with React.js and companion tools CommonJS, Browserify, and Reactify.

    What you should know before watching this course
    Using the exercise files1. What is React.js?
    What is React?
    Why is React so fast?
    Setting up React tools with Chrome2. Getting Started
    React.js syntax
    Introducing JSX
    Preprocessing JSX3. React Components
    What is a React component?
    Creating a React component
    Using properties
    Handling events
    Using state
    Adding state to the note component4. Parent/Child Relationships
    Using refs
    Adding multiple child elements
    Updating and removing notes through props
    Adding new notes
    A deeper look at keys5. Component Life Cycle
    Understanding the component life cycle
    Mounting components
    Setting properties
    Updating components
    Adding lifecycle functions to our bulletin board6. Creating an App
    Integrating React with a server
    Hosting your app with npm and httpster
    Enhancing React with additional frameworksConclusion
    Next steps



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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 8 окт 2015
    NgaWang ЧКЧлен клуба
    Очень интересно послушать. У нас всё больше и больше заказчиков просят проводить разработку именно на react.js
    3 пользователям это понравилось.