
Курс игры на укулеле на английском [Brett McQueen]

Тема в разделе "Курсы по музыке", создана пользователем DreamWorks, 10 сен 2018.

Цена: 6800р.-76%
Взнос: 1577р.

Основной список: 5 участников

Резервный список: 4 участников

  1. 10 сен 2018
    DreamWorks ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: Курс игры на укулеле на английском [Brett McQueen]



    Пошаговый курс обучения игре на укулеле для новичков.
    Автор: Brett McQueen
    Курс на английском языке.

    Part I: Essentials (Основы)
    • Get set up and ready to go by learning how to string, tune, and hold the ukulele with perfect playing posture
    • Explore three strumming techniques and figure out which to use to achieve a clear, crisp strumming tone
    • Discover how to play your very first chord
    • Learn the most important strumming pattern of all time that works for every song and never fails
    • Unlock how strumming patterns are counted to keep a steady, consistent rhythm
    • Take the first chord and strumming pattern you learn to play a simple one-chord song
    Part II: Strumming Foundations (Основы игры)
    • Uncover the three must-know ukulele chords and use those to play four different songs from classic folk to Hawaiian
    • Figure out what to do about buzzing chords and a diving ukulele
    • Learn the fundamentals of rhythm so you can create your very own strumming pattern rhythms
    • See how how to prevent strumming fingers from getting stuck and how to make your fingers glide across the strings
    • Discover the process for finding the right strumming pattern for a song when a lyric chord chart is all you have
    • Practice strumming in different counts like four and three
    • Learn how to strum and sing at the same time without losing the rhythm
    • Look at what to do when you keep reverting back to the same old strumming pattern
    • Explore the best way to memorize new ukulele chords and master switching chords without pausing or hesitating using the Hover Technique
    • Learn how to play the famous calypso strum and how to make other syncopated patterns
    Part III: Picking Up the Strumming Speed (Увеличиваем скорость игры)
    • Learn how to strum faster without getting sloppier while learning lively, uptempo songs
    • Uncover the secret to playing fast (hint: it’s not about trying harder)
    • See how to create a rhythmic pulse with accents
    • Discover how one small change to your strumming movement can help you go faster
    • Leverage alternate chord positions to make faster chord changes
    • Learn how to make frequent chord changes with a fast strumming rhythm
    • Make your rhythm feel waltz-y with the Thumb and Strum
    • Explore how to accent other beats to change the feeling of the rhythm
    • See how to perform the Touch and Strum method to make your rhythm more lively and energetic
    • Increase the speed of the Thumb and Strum to play a lightning fast rhythm
    Part IV: Percussive Muting Techniques (Техники глушения и перкуссии)
    • Make your strumming sound percussive with the “chnk” strum technique
    • See how to implement the “chnk” strum into various strumming patterns
    • Look at proper finger and hand placement for crisp and clear muted strums
    • Learn the fretting hand muting technique
    • Figure out how to know when to use the “chnk” strum technique or the fretting hand muting technique
    • Discover how to make reggae strumming pattern rhythms
    • Learn the “skank” strum to give your reggae energy and feeling
    • Use your knowledge of muted strumming techniques to play songs
    Part V: Expressive Strumming (Экспрессия в игре)
    • Unlock the mystery of what makes a song performance sound emotive and expressive
    • Learn three dynamics exercises to help find your strumming “center”
    • Discover how to use dynamics and vary the strumming pattern throughout a song for an expressive performance
    • Add feeling and groove to your strumming with shuffle and swing rhythms
    • Use your knowledge of shuffle rhythms to play the 12-bar blues
    • Figure out how to use accents in a song to create feeling and energy
    • Uncover fast sixteenth note rhythms and how you can use them as fills to add energy to your strumming rhythm
    • Discover how to apply sixteenth note rhythms to actual songs to make the performance energetic
    • Learn how to perform the four-finger rolling strum with speed and fluidity
    • Figure out where to add in strumming fills to songs
    Bonus Lessons (Бонусные уроки)
    • Learn how to confidently play barre chords
    • See how to make sure barre chords always ring out
    • Take on the challenges that come with practicing like how to practice and how to achieve your goals
    • Discover how to start developing your musical ear with active listening
    • Learn practical ways to take on a difficult song and make it more attainable to play by playing in ukulele-friendly keys
    • Figure out how to transpose a song
    • Learn how to use a ukulele capo
    1. Видео с высоким разрешением
    2. 100+ страниц вспомогательного материала
    Урок 1
    Урок 2
    Урок 3
    Урок 4

    Стоимость в долларах: 97$ ~ 6800р.
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 23 окт 2018
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  3. Обсуждение
  4. 27 окт 2018
    DreamWorks ЧКЧлен клуба
    Ребят, давайте прорекламируем сие чудо. Неужели никому не интересен этот курс?
  5. 12 мар 2019
    marisolka ЧКЧлен клуба
    Очень интересен этот курс!
    1 человеку нравится это.
  6. 24 сен 2019
    Рыжий Пепка
    Рыжий Пепка ЧКЧлен клуба
    Ребята, подскажите, как взять Си малой октавы на куке сопрано? Ведь 4я струна строит выше остальных!! Как я могу по нотам малой октавы играть на куке? Нелп!
    Есть ли болталка по игре на укулеле?
  7. 15 окт 2019
    DreamWorks ЧКЧлен клуба
    Боюсь, вам никто пока здесь не подскажет, ибо тут все начинающие :)
  8. 17 июл 2020
    Ali-tza ОргОрганизатор
    Никак, самая низкая нота на укулеле стандартного строя до первой октавы