
JavaScript for WordPress (eng)

Тема в разделе "Курсы по программированию", создана пользователем pensionary, 9 апр 2018.

Цена: 2340р.
Взнос: 2340р.

Резервный список: 3 участников

  1. 9 апр 2018
    pensionary ОргОрганизатор (А)
    JavaScript for WordPress
    курс Зака Гордона, автора популярных курсов по Вордпрессу, теперь раскроет базовые нюансы использования Javascript в контексте разработки Wordpress плагинов и шаблонов.
    Видео 3:55
    Язык английский
    Уровень - средний

    • JS in WP Themes & Plugins
    • Ajax in WordPress
    • The WP REST API
    • WP API in Themes & Plugins
    • Decouple WP API w Authentication
    • Multiple Example Projects
    Table of Contents
    JavaScript for WordPress
    • [​IMG]
      00:00:00 - 00:03:21
      Zac Gordon introduces JavaScript for Workshop course. Zac reviews the importance of WordPress for the developer. - Скрытая ссылка
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      00:03:22 - 00:07:19
      WordPress and JavaScript Overview
      While a stable development platform already, WordPress is embracing JavaScript by adding an API. Showcasing some of the JavaScript features in WordPress, Zac reviews the history of WordPress' development past and future.
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      00:07:20 - 00:09:38
      Zac introduces Calypso, which is a re-envisioning of the WordPress application as a Single Page Application (SPA) built on React by the folks that make WordPress. - Скрытая ссылка
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      00:09:39 - 00:16:04
      Learn JavaScript, Deeply
      JavaScript is becoming essential and integrated with WordPress. After reviewing one of the critical messages of Matt Mullenweg's State of WordPress 2015 talk, Zac examines current JavaScript landscape in the core WordPress and the WordPress ecosystem. - Скрытая ссылка
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      00:16:05 - 00:19:21
      Course Agenda
      Zac reviews the JavaScript for WordPress course agenda.
    Enqueuing JavaScript in a Theme
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      00:19:22 - 00:24:37
      Enqueueing Script
      After introducing the concept of enqueuing JavaScript, which is the process of loading JavaScript into a theme or administration area through the PHP functions, Zac introduces the wp_enqueue_script(). - Скрытая ссылка
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      00:24:38 - 00:27:29
      Localize Script
      Zac examines the wp_localize_script() function, which allows taking data from PHP to make available to Javascript.
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      00:27:30 - 00:30:20
      Enqueuing JavaScript in a Theme
      Zac reviews the methods and upcoming exercises for enqueue files into WordPress.
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      00:30:21 - 00:38:51
      Challenge 1: Enqueuing JavaScript into a Theme
      In this challenge, students locate and change the wp_enqueue_script() function to load a JavaScript file into a WordPress site. - Скрытая ссылка
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      00:38:52 - 00:40:10
      Challenge 1: Solution
      Zac walks through the solution to Challenge 1.
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      00:40:11 - 00:40:47
      Challenge 2: More Enqueuing JavaScript
      In this challenge, students work through the remaining enqueuing JavaScript exercises.
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      00:40:48 - 00:48:49
      Challenge 2: Solutions
      Zac walks through the solution to Challenge 2 by demonstrating how to load JavaScript files in the desired order due to dependencies; associate WordPress' internal jQuery; and pulling in an external JavaScript library. Zac takes questions from students.
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      00:48:50 - 00:54:17
      Challenge 2: Solutions, Part 2
      Zac continues to walk through the solution to Challenge 2 exercises by reviewing how to load JavaScript resources based on the page conditionally and how to pass data to JavaScript file. Zac takes questions from students.
    Enqueuing JavaScript in a Plugin
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      00:54:18 - 00:58:21
      Adding JavaScript to WordPress Plugins
      Zac reviews how to place JavaScript resources into a WordPress plugin.
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      00:58:22 - 01:02:22
      Challenge and Solution 3: WordPress Plugins
      In this challenge, Zac demonstrates how to work through an exercise to enqueue JavaScript to a WordPress plugin in multiple ways.
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      01:02:23 - 01:03:09
      Challenge 4: More WordPress Plugins
      In this challenge, students add JavaScript to appear in WordPress administration area and a WordPress plugin page.
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      01:03:10 - 01:06:37
      Challenge 4: Solution
      Zac walks through the solution to Challenge 4.
    Ajax in WordPress
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      01:06:38 - 01:11:42
      Introducing Ajax in WordPress
      After explaining that Ajax in WordPress means interacting with the database and codebase, Zac reviews how Ajax is handled within the WordPress with a nonce. A nonce is a hash associated with an Ajax call to help protect WordPress from invalid requests.
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      01:11:43 - 01:16:57
      Ajax Steps
      Zac reviews the steps involved to set up Ajax in WordPress.
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      01:16:58 - 01:17:59
      Challenge 5: Ajax in WordPress
      In this challenge, students create a "Like this Site" plugin.
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      01:18:00 - 01:28:59
      Challenge 5: Solution
      Zac walks through the solution to Challenge 5.
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      01:29:00 - 01:32:15
      Zac answers questions from students about Ajax, WordPress, and shortcodes and more.
    WordPress REST API
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      01:32:16 - 01:40:37
      Introducing WordPress REST API
      Zac reviews the API for WordPress.
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      01:40:38 - 01:45:06
      Query Arguments
      Zac illustrates how to passing arguments to API URLs to customize the JSON responses.
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      01:45:07 - 01:45:56
      Challenge 6: WordPress REST API
      In this challenge, students work on accessing API endpoints.
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      01:45:57 - 01:56:13
      Challenge 6: Solution
      Zac walks through the solution to Challenge 6. Zac takes questions from students. - Скрытая ссылка
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      01:56:14 - 02:00:48
      Customizing API Endpoints
      In this challenge, students access WordPress API with simplified JSON.
    Accessing API Inside of WordPress
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      02:00:49 - 02:05:45
      Introducing How To Access API Inside of WordPress
      Zac reviews the process for accessing and using API inside of WordPress.
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      02:05:46 - 02:08:41
      Challenge 7: Listing API Posts
      In this challenge, students retrieve a list of posts with the backbone client.
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      02:08:42 - 02:19:08
      Challenge 7: Solution
      Zac walks through the solution to Challenge 7.
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      02:19:09 - 02:19:49
      More API Posts
      Zac prompts students to continue working on the WordPress REST API exercises.
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      02:19:50 - 02:27:22
      Roundtable Q&A
      Zac solicits comments about working with JavaScript and WordPress from the class.
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      02:27:23 - 02:38:22
      Working with the REST API
      Zac reviews more possibilities and tips for working with the REST API, including using Vue in a WordPress theme.
    Accessing API Outside of WordPress
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      02:38:23 - 02:41:04
      Introducing How To Access API Outside of WordPress
      Zac discusses the reasoning and benefits for accessing REST API outside of WordPress including using WordPress in a headless content management system (CMS).
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      02:41:05 - 02:48:49
      Deleting Posts with Rest API
      Zac demonstrates how to work with the REST API outside of WordPress to delete posts.
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      02:48:50 - 02:49:18
      Challenge 8: Listing Posts
      In this challenge, students lists posts and a single post using the REST API outside of WordPress.
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      02:49:19 - 02:52:02
      Challenge 8: Listing Posts, Part 2
      Zac discusses a few points about the structure in running WordPress decoupled including having WordPress and localhost needs to be on SSL.
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      02:52:03 - 03:05:32
      Challenge 8: Solution
      Zac walkthroughs the solution to Challenge 8.
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      03:05:33 - 03:10:28
      Decoupled Authentication with WordPress
      Zac reviews Basic Auth, JSON Web Tokens (JWT) Auth, OAuth 1 & 2, and WordPress API Broker as methods for setting up authentication. Zac walks through setting up decoupled authentication. - Скрытая ссылка
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      03:10:29 - 03:32:09
      Setting Up Decoupled Authentication with WordPress
      Zac walks through setting up decoupled authentication.
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      03:32:10 - 03:44:55
      Saving Posts
      Zac demonstrates how to save posts using a decoupled WordPress set up.
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      03:44:56 - 03:47:13
      Deleting Posts
      After showing how to save posts, Zac quickly shows how to delete posts.
    Wrapping Up
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      03:47:14 - 03:53:49
      Reviewing the JavaScript for WordPress
      Zac reviews the topics discussed and examined in the course.
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      03:53:50 - 03:55:50
      Wrapping Up JavaScript for WordPress
      Wrapping up the JavaScript for WordPress course, Zac thanks the students.
    Скрытая ссылка

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    Доступ к материалам - 39$/мес

    Берем доступ на месяц, вытаскиваем все что можно (там есть еще куча разных курсов)
    Последнее редактирование: 9 апр 2018
  2. Последние события

    1. pensionary
      pensionary не участвует.
      27 апр 2018
    2. skladchik.com
      Нужен организатор складчины.
      27 апр 2018
    3. ritfeet
      ritfeet не участвует.
      27 апр 2018
    4. onehero
      onehero не участвует.
      27 апр 2018

    Последние важные события

    1. skladchik.com
      Нужен организатор складчины.
      27 апр 2018
    2. skladchik.com
      Сбор взносов начинается 27.04.2018.
      22 апр 2018
    3. skladchik.com
      pensionary организатор.
      9 апр 2018
  3. Обсуждение
  4. 11 апр 2018
    Nnutthowze ЧКЧлен клуба
    Хорошая идея, орга уже попросил.
  5. 26 апр 2018
    onehero ЧКЧлен клуба
    плагины для Mozilla Firefox не сработают?
    для Vimeo и YouTube например хорошо идет SaveFrom.net Helper
    а так обычно видосы можно тягать через Video DownloadHelper
  6. 26 апр 2018
    pensionary ОргОрганизатор (А)
    с учетом того, какой это курс, а также принимая во внимание возможность получить дополнительные курсы - складчина все еще стоит своих денег
  7. 27 апр 2018
    onehero ЧКЧлен клуба
    ничего, что он на рутрекере доступен?
  8. 27 апр 2018
    pensionary ОргОрганизатор (А)
    c учетом того, что все убежали - это причина для отмены сборов