
A Guide To Natural Light Newborn Sessions

Тема в разделе "Съемка и обработка фотографий", создана пользователем cassiope, 10 мар 2016.

Цена: 1200р.-89%
Взнос: 130р.

Основной список: 32 участников

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  1. 10 мар 2016
    Топикстартер ЧКЧлен клуба

    Складчина: A Guide To Natural Light Newborn Sessions

    Справочная методичка по съемке новорожденных с натуральным светом на английском языке.
    64 страницы информации для фотографов новорожденных, позировка (34 карточки для печати), свет, подготовка к съемке, какие нужны реквизиты, как работать с родителями и старшими детьми, как укладывать двойню, как определять расценки, как редактировать (с примерами до и после). Так же ответы на вопросы.
    • A Guide To Natural Light Newborn Sessionsis a must-read for any newborn photographer. These posing tips will really help you to step up your newborn photography!

      Do you want to pose your newborns with more props? If you're looking for a guide with a ton of behind the scenes set ups, tips and frequently asked questions, this guide is for you! If you've read our Kimberly Reid's Intermediate newborn guide, than this is the next installation in our newborn collection.

      I can't even begin to describe how amazing this guide is! Newborns are so hard to pose, so Five Eleven Photography walks you through every detail about the poses, simplifying them to make them easy for anyone to replicate or get inspiration from.

      Ever have a newborn not stay asleep? This guide goes over a variety of poses to help you get that perfect shot, even when the newborn is awake!

      This guide teaches you how to make the backdrops, floordrops, props, baskets, headbands, EVERYTHING work together to get the look you are wanting out of the photo.

      *Click thumbnails to view additional poses, not all poses shown.*

      **Please note, all BP4U guides are ebooks and will be delivered electronically!**

    • What's Included
      A 64-page guide on posing newborns. This product also includes 36 digital (printer friendly) posing cards so you can take these tips with you on the go!

      Topics Covered:
      • 64- page guide on posing newborns
      • 36 digital posing cards (printer and mobile friendly)
      • How to pose newborns
      • Gear
      • The must-haves - clips, rugs & furs, boy props, girl props
      • Session Preparation
      • The set up
      • The swaddle
      • Starting off the session
      • Hand/arm placement
      • Leg/foot placement
      • Adding in parents/siblings
      • Newborn alone posing - on blanket, awake & using props
      • Posing with twins
      • How to prepare the baby for the session
      • Safety tips
      • How to incorporate props
      • Editing with before and after examples including composites
      • Pricing
      • Sticky Situations
      Also answers the following questions:
      • How do you know what props to use with each newborn? Do you preplan that?
      • If they have a certain prop they want used, do you allow this?
      • How often do you sanitize your blankets/props?
      • Have you ever bought a prop that you thought was good but wasn't? What do you look for?
      • How do you organize your props and blankets?
      • If you're including the parents in the photo do you have them wear anything specific?
      • What makes a good backdrop for a newborn?
      • What are your go to camera settings?
      • How long do your newborn sessions last?
      • If the umbilical cord is still attached do you change your posing to accommodate for this or do you like to keep it in and show it? How do you handle this?
      • Do you have your clients put the diaper back on while you're changing for the next post or set up?
      • When you're in transition of the pose do you have the client feed the baby, wrap the baby up, etc.?
      • Do you offer outdoor newborn sessions?
      • What were the specific weather conditions needed for those shoots?
      • What would you do differently outdoor than your indoor sessions?
      • Do you offer a nursing room for clients to get more comfortable feeding their child?
      • Do you have the parents help you pose the child?
      • What do you do if the newborn won't sleep or they wake up? How do you keep them happy?
      • What if the parents bring a toddler to the newborn session? What do you do?
      • What happens if a newborn uses the bathroom on your props? How do you clean your props or backdrops?
      • Do you have back up backdrops in case this happens?
      • What are the must have shots you absolutely want to get during a newborn session?
      • What do you do if the baby is screaming the whole time?
      • Do you set deadlines, like you won't photograph them after 14 days old and what not?
      • Are there specific back/floor drops you use for newborn sessions? Which are your favorite?
      • What size specifications do you suggest for newborn back/floor drops?
      • Must have props for shooting newborn?
      • How far out do you book your newborn sessions?
      • How long are these sessions?
      • How many images will the client receive?
      • How many images do you typically take?
      • How long do you tell them it will be before they receive their images?
      • Do you charge more for adding in siblings and parents to the newborn session?
      • How long do you spend editing a newborn session?
    NEW_COVER_for_511_NEWBORN_GUIDE_1024x1024.jpg Screen_Shot_2016-01-04_at_10.27.19_AM_1024x1024.png Screen_Shot_2016-01-04_at_10.29.53_AM_1024x1024.png parentsandbaby_1e_1024x1024.jpg newborn_511_POSING_CARDS_1024x1024.jpg
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  3. Отзывы участников

    • 5/5,
      Работой организатора доволен
      спасибо за отличную организацию и полезный материал!
      очень полезно и наглядно!
      12 апр 2016
      1 человеку нравится это.
    • 5/5,
      Работой организатора доволен
      11 апр 2016
      1 человеку нравится это.
  4. Обсуждение
  5. 18 мар 2016
    Dalayna ЧКЧлен клуба
    а это не интересно организовать? Скрытая ссылка
    1 человеку нравится это.
  6. 18 мар 2016
    Сычик МодерМодератор Команда форума
    Внешняя ссылка без хайда + есть тема для подобных предложений.
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